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5-Min Science: Electromagnetic Fields May Mediate Consciousness

BioSource Faculty

Updated: Nov 27, 2024

5-Min Science

Tamlyn Hunt's Scientific American article, "Consciousness Might Hide in Our Brain’s Electric Fields," explores an emerging idea in neuroscience that our understanding of consciousness may be incomplete if we focus solely on the firing of neurons.

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Neuron Spikes

Traditionally, neuroscience has explained consciousness and cognition as products of neuron spikes—brief bursts of electrical energy that travel across cells, forming the neural code. This view holds that the intricate processes of perception, memory, and awareness all stem from this activity.

Electromagnetic Fields

However, Hunt suggests a new focus on ephaptic field effects, electromagnetic (EM) interactions between neurons that do not rely on synaptic connections, which could have a significant impact on our understanding of consciousness.

The concept of the neural code, developed in the early 20th century, analogizes neurons' "all-or-none" firing to digital computing. Neuroscientists have long attempted to decode this process to understand consciousness and cognitive functions. Despite efforts, gaps remain in our understanding, as neuroscientists like Mark Humphries have noted, where the brain’s neural firings do not yet fully explain subjective experience. Hunt introduces ephaptic coupling as a potential solution to these gaps, describing it as a way for neurons to influence each other via EM fields rather than through direct connections, such as synapses.

Retinal neurons provide a striking example of communication without spikes, using electrodiffusion to relay information rapidly and efficiently to the brain. This process demonstrates that neurons can transmit signals without the typical neuron-to-neuron firing, hinting at alternative mechanisms for brain communication.

Ephaptic field effects, which are relatively unknown, operate through natural electric and magnetic forces, suggesting that consciousness might involve a more complex set of processes than previously thought. Brain graphic © sutadiamges/


The idea gained credibility with a 2019 study from Dominique Durand's lab, where researchers severed mouse brain tissue yet found that ephaptic field effects continued to transmit electrical activity across separated slices. This activity gradually faded with distance, but the persistence of influence after separation pointed to ephaptic fields as a powerful, possibly integral part of brain functioning. The unexpected results prompted a rigorous peer review, which ultimately supported the importance of ephaptic interactions in the brain.

Further research shows ephaptic effects to be incredibly fast, especially in gray matter, where signals could theoretically propagate up to 5,000 times faster than neuron spikes. When extended across brain volume, ephaptic effects could potentially increase information transmission density by billions of times compared to conventional neural firing. Although these figures represent potential rather than actual performance, they indicate a vastly underappreciated capacity for information processing within the brain.

Walter Freeman, a prominent neuroscientist, had long theorized that synaptic speeds could not account for the rapid cognitive processing he observed. He speculated that there must be other mechanisms at play. Hunt argues that ephaptic field effects could fill this explanatory gap, offering a plausible mechanism for consciousness and cognition at speeds that synaptic firings cannot achieve.

The theory gains additional support from recent work by neuroscientists such as Costas Anastassiou and Christof Koch, who found that ephaptic coupling could account for the "fast coordination" needed for consciousness without relying on synaptic speed. Their findings suggest ephaptic fields could offer a new paradigm in neuroscience, possibly making them a central factor in how consciousness operates, rather than a peripheral phenomenon.


In conclusion, Hunt's article proposes a paradigm shift in our understanding of consciousness, emphasizing the potential of ephaptic field effects as a primary mechanism. If further research supports this, it could transform neuroscience by reframing consciousness as a function of traditional synaptic firing and ephaptic coupling. This dual mechanism might explain the brain's high information-processing capabilities and provide a more comprehensive account of how consciousness arises.


consciousness: the state of being aware of and able to think about one's existence, sensations, thoughts, and surroundings.

ephaptic coupling: a form of neural communication in which electric and magnetic fields from neurons interact without direct synaptic connections.

electrodiffusion: the process of charged particles moving through a medium without synaptic transfer, allowing for rapid signal transmission.

electromagnetic (EM) fields: invisible fields generated by electric and magnetic forces, which can influence objects and signals within their range.

gray matter: brain tissue containing neuron cell bodies, associated with processing information in the brain.

neural code: the pattern and mechanism of electrical signals in neurons that encode and convey information, compared to computer binary code.

neuron: a specialized brain cell responsible for transmitting electrical and chemical signals throughout the nervous system.

spike potential: the rapid increase and subsequent decrease in the voltage across a neuron's cell membrane during an action potential. When a neuron "fires," an electrical impulse, or spike, is generated due to a sudden influx of sodium ions (Na⁺) into the cell, followed by an outflow of potassium ions (K⁺). This creates a brief, sharp voltage change (the spike) that travels along the neuron’s axon to communicate with other neurons. Spike potentials are critical for transmitting signals in the nervous system, enabling various brain functions, including perception, movement, and cognition.

synapse: a junction between neurons that allows them to communicate via chemical and electrical signals.

Open Access Article

Hunt, T. (2024). Consciousness night hide in our brain’s electric fields. Scientific American.

About the Author

Tamlyn Hunt, a scholar at the University of California, Santa Barbara, specializes in philosophy and neuroscience. He has authored numerous papers exploring the nature of consciousness and the influence of electromagnetic effects on conscious experience.

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Dr. Khazan

Dr. Inna Khazan's BCIA Introduction to biofeedback workshop will be offered in two parts this year.

​Part 1 is entirely virtual, consisting of 20 hours (over 5 days) of live online instruction, home-study materials distributed prior to the live workshop, and written instructions for practical lab work to be completed during the week of the workshop or after its completion. Part 1 fulfills BCIA requirements for introduction to biofeedback didactic. Part 1 will take place on Zoom, November 4 - 8, 2024, 12 - 4pm EDT. Tuition is $1395.

​​Part 2 is optional, and consists of 14 hours (over 2 days) of in-person hands-on practical training using state-of-the-art equipment, designed to help participants be better prepared to start working with clients. Part 2 will take place in Boston on November 11 & 12, 2024, 9am-5pm EDT. Tuition is $395. (Please note that an Introduction to Biofeedback didactic (taken at any previous time, anywhere) is a pre-requisite to the hands-on training).




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